
The theme is to match a photo in Picturemull’s past Blip. Her photo reminded me of “Luck”. With all the packing I’ve been doing this week I came across this Beleek thimble I picked up in Ireland in about 1987. The clovers remind me of a lucky charm but the real luck came when we actually WON this trip to England, Ireland and Scotland. It was a time we were both working in a family business that sold candy, snacks and drinks wholesale to small independently owned shops. The contest was for the whokesaler who sold the most Christopher’s Irish Cream candies. I think I helped us win as I personally did my share of eating them and convincing my customers that they’d sell like crazy!!

I must say, it's great fun to try to be creative with the themes we're getting! Many thanks to Picturemull for this.

Back blipped on Tuesday (the 19th).

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