Rabbit’s Foot

When I was young, I remember being fascinated by my oldest brother’s rabbit foot, carried for good luck. This is our cat’s foot, still attached to his body, which looks similar, well, almost! We were certainly lucky choosing sweet Chester to bring home and brighten our lives. Thank you Picturemull for hosting the challenge.

I am still very sad after learning of the seemingly sudden death of a niece’s husband, leaving her behind as a 30-year old mother of a 2-year old son. In brief, the symptoms over the past 10 months were not recognized and treated as Covid, but in hindsight turned out to be just that. I don’t know how that was possible. They were preparing to embark soon on a new chapter in their lives. When we spoke with them 2 weeks ago they were as happy as could be. What heartache...

Rabbit’s Foot

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