Sun ......

..... rise.
Blipped at 8am , it was a beautiful view from the lounge.
My daughter K and I shared Zoom church together and the host blessed by the Rev made it extra special ( home communion) , after a cuppa I struggled around the block. What a change in the weather, blue sky and the sun had shown her face. Streets were empty so distancing wasn't a problem tho' it would have been so good to have had someone to say " Good morning" to!
When I got home sweeping more leaves had to be done and then the phone rang, what surprise , someone who was the clerical sec . I worked with at my 1st Health Visitor's position in 1981 was on the line. So good to catch up .
Hope you're all having a good Sunday . At the moment I'm watching Song of Praise , so wonderful to see this Walk in Church in East London. It must have been recorded last year as the weather is very good. It was taking place in a football field, well done to them.
Stay safe all.

Thoughtful .... of all the new and inventive things that this Pandemic has brought to the surface that we didn't know we could do before hand.

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