Sliced Sausage Rolls and Not to Standard Lessons
Week 2 now over on this course, which means my colleague and I have now seen all the trainees teach twice.
This next part is for my own records, so that I remember how this centre organises their 100% online Cambridge CELTA over 6 weeks. Bb's eyes glaze over when I talk of such things, so unless you're curious, skip this bit! My colleague observes their first TP (teaching practice) and I the second and so on till the 8th - all 45 min lessons. This works as it's a small course and only one TP group. It does mean the trainees are having to switch tutor every lesson and we have to keep each other updated. Trainees don't become one-trainer reliant though and don't get anxious because of moving to the other trainer. This centre's online course layout is over 6 weeks: week 1 is input sessions only; week 2 only TP, feedback and lesson planning; week 3 TP, feedback, lesson planning and input (full week for everyone!); week 4 is a bit of a 'break' for them as it's only input sessions and early lesson prep for week 5; weeks 5 and 6 are TP, feedback and planning. The 4 written assignments are spread over the course. The order is: Language Related Tasks, Focus on the Learner, Skills Related Tasks and Lessons from the Classroom. This means that the trainees are always working on both assignments and lesson planning. If you're still with me, then you must be interested and so some extra info :-) the assignments are 1,000 words long and each lesson generally takes between 4-6 hours to plan as there's a 3-part lesson planning document to complete, with language analysis. Centres can more or less choose how to run the courses so long as the essential elements are included.
Today, I gave a 'below standard' grade to one of the lessons. It's never an easy decision and especially so early in the teaching practice and it took up too much time in my thoughts all day. I hope this trainee is able to get through the course. It's our job to support weaker trainees, but although I spent 1hr 45' together planning the lesson, it wasn't enough. They get a recording of the prep too. Ho hum. I sometimes wish I could do some training that was purely developmental, rather than criteria-driven.
A good walk in the evening with Bb (almost 12,000 steps) and an easy dinner of sliced sausage (or square sausage depending on which part of Scotland you're from) on rolls, while watching the new David Copperfield film. The actor Dev Patel was excellent, as was the brown sauce on the sliced sausage rolls!
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