Caught you!

Saturday 16th January 2021

Mid-afternoon I came to a convenient break between jobs and decided to go for a walk. The sun was looking nice but it wouldn't last long. I answered the phone just before I went out and spent the next half hour dealing with a drain crisis in the churchyard! The sun was already beginning to fade when I finally went out. 

Just down the road I spotted this chap. I spent the rest of my walk chasing him all around the field. He was teasing me by hovering until I got within range and then swooping along the edge of the field - always two lampposts away. When he cheated and crossed the field he even waited on the lamppost while I walked to the end, across and back up again, then flew off as I approached. 

As often happens after you spend a lot of time trying for a better shot and taking lots of photos, this was only the third shot I had taken and is by far the best as it caught the light.

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