
By bananablip

The joy of outdoors and friendly faces

OK, let's not get carried away here: it was definitely freezing and I was wading in metres of mud, but I think I detected a hint of spring in the air today. Wishful thinking, you may call it, I call it desperate hope. There was a time in my life when I thought that summer was the best season ever. But with every year, I grow to love Spring a little more. It's the promise of hope and new life, isn't it? 

I mistakingly took this cow for a bull at first glance and then I noticed the calf. I watched for a while, and she watched me.

One of the things that I'm grateful for is that seemingly without fail, I bump into a friendly face on my daily walks. When you spend the days alone, it really is quite the treat. Today I bumped into Pippa, from the Food Hub, and we compared muddy boots and tried, unsuccessfully to find a lady's lost husky. There are some days where the lack of company has started to get me down but there's always somebody on my walks to cheer me up.

I had a zoom with my nephews this afternoon. Youngest gave me an art lesson which was delightful and told me about a dinner he'd cooked which he couldn't remember the name of but sounded like magpie (pad thai). Oldest made me show him videos of people accidentally farting. 

Had a good chat with a wonderful lady I know who was keen to see if we could team up on our support for Liam. The picture that is emerging is that his support network is not very wide, due to the fact that he and his mum did everything together. I'm grateful for wonderful people in our community with such big hearts. But sad that we can't replace Liam's mum, which is all he really wants. 

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