Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Macro return

Grumpy has calmed down......
Many of the older Bliperrati may remember the period of our lives when Chinese products meant, "Bright and flashy, doomed within 5 minutes."
Neewer make Nikon equipment that is extremely well made(identical), works well, looks good but above all else, saves you heaps. 
Eg Newer Tripod £52; Ring Light £46; Speedlight £65.
Sigma 105 Macro lens. £339. (Nikon £649) 
In these cold bleak times, if you have a bit of spare cash the macro equipment may help introduce you to something you CAN do indoors. It's a fascinating part of the art, which can surprise. 

My man tart is from Cyprus 1972. Photobombed by Jock Wallace, we were all heroes then. GPMG weighed 32Lbs and a quick 200 rounds weighed 12 Lbs. You usually carried 600 rounds - each. I loved my gun, we really did practice firing from the hip - sex has nowt on a GPMG chewing up whatever is in front of it. 

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