A New Home for " Phil"

Couldn't see out of the bay window over the sink so... a new home for Phil it is.

I hope he enjoys it here & flourishes as he had been.

Shortly after this photo....
"A" had wisdom teeth out. Horrible nightmare I never wish to relive. Why is it so hard to treat
"special" people like ..... people. "Can he sign for himself? "I didn'tthink so." "Where does it hurt"
" Everywhere" "Do your feet hurt?" "Its just saliva mixed with blood." Six more sutures required on the side bleeding" "just saliva" No additional novocaine. This is where emojis would be helpful on blip ( insert face with tear).

"A" is not doing well and was sent home still bleeding badly with intractable pain. I hope he does not need a transfusion. I hope we did not contract covid...

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