Back on home territory

I am still feeling quite tired after my busy week and long drive home but the sunshine and blue sky beckoned all morning as I joined my friends at the quilting group. Four new ladies have joined the group since Christmas which is brilliant as it must mean that everyone is enjoying themselves and spreading the word. It is a very informal group as we don't have a teacher and all work on individual projects. Those of us who have a little experience are always on hand to guide and encourage the beginners, until they too become confident enough to help others. It is a system which appears to be working!

Following a very quick bite to eat at lunchtime I togged up - without a waterproof today which was bliss - and set off onto the moor to join up with my friends who own Brodie. He had obviously missed playing with his auntie Cara and the three dogs had a fabulous time together. This shot was one of the few i managed with them all in the frame and it looks as if Cara is throwing a stick around - as usual! I remembered that the day I left for my holiday down south I had first walked Bruce and Cara in a fairly thick covering of snow, but today there is just a little clinging to the tops of the hills, which looked just perfect against the very welcome blue sky.

I haven't quite caught up with admin but hope to be back to look at your journals before too long.

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