What Goes Around Comes Around
Today so far has been much like yesterday - a little snow, a little rain, freezing temperatures with a little thaw around midday. Another singing session and an online chat with the group helped keep the spirits up.
We had the shortest possible outing, so I could post a birthday card for Hal, who will be 2 on Monday. After my car's failure to get up the drive in the snow the other day, we decided to take the LandRover. It starts fine after the battery has been on the charger, but soon runs out of power. TM assured me that it would make it down to the post box and back as long as he didn't turn off the engine - and it did :-)
I've lost track of my favourite pair of gloves, and it occurred to me that they might be in the LR's glovebox. (When have I ever put gloves in the glove box?? - but I'm running out of places to look).
They weren't there. What I saw was a mess of shredded receipts, nibbled sweets and - yugh - little black sprinkles.
Is it possible, I asked TM, that our troubles with the LR are due to a rodent attack on the wiring? Its slow death began with the radio, then the clock, then the SatNav .... Hmmm, he said. Mice have eaten the wiring of the lawnmower in previous winters, so they have form ...
There was no opportunity for a picture while we were out, so my entry for the Abstract Thursday challenge is very much an interior shot. (That's a clue). Thanks Ingeborg for never failing to come up with an interesting topic.
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