What is it?

My parcel arrived this afternoon. The one they tried to deliver last Tuesday. So I rearranged delivery for today. And they tried to deliver it last Wednesday. Then they said I'd had 2 failed deliveries so tough. So I threw my toys out of the pram.

The courier was lovely. We had a little chat and he moaned about how rubbish their new system was. Apparently it was all much easier when they had someone on the end of the phone. Anyway. We now have an arrangement ;-) so unless he leaves/gets sacked, I shan't have this issue again.

Tomorrow is recycling day so I was about to fold the empty box up when Lily made a grab for it. It is now commandeered and in almost the most awkward position in the house. On the bright side, it kept Lil and Red happy entertained until i took them for a Muckies Teatime.

In the midst of the calm, MrRoly rang. This is unusual in itself. More worrying when he starts by asking if everything is calm and peaceful. Fortunately the bad news is only that he is going to Cairo tomorrow and needs his passport. And that he is arranging a motorcycle courier to collect it. He clearly recalls what happened last time!

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