The Other Taybridge

Less interesting than its older rail bridge companion but lovely in its own way. It even has its own twitter account where it presents a rather surly, chip on it's shoulder persona.[quite apt given it straddles Dundee and Fife!. One of its best mates on twitter is the San Fran bay bridge. There appear to be some issues of cultural difference between the two but they are working on them. yup you're right I need to get out more!

My sunny mood of the day was only sullied by one incident at work, when the young lad who isn't the tea boy but is young enough to be, although I do understand he may actually has some other function shoved a camera in my face demanding a picture for some undisclosed work purpose. What would you have done?

A. Smiled sweetly and obliged?
B. Told him to bugger off?
C. Excused yourself on the grounds that he was attempting to steal your soul?

I'll let you guess what my reaction was....

Happy Monday blippers

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