Snow on da Hills

A fine calm, frosty morning, and some fine sunny spells.  Windy out east, clouded over, and a rain shower.  A lovely sunny afternoon, and clear night.

Another day working from home, and another day working through photos.  Nipped down to mam's at lunchtime, as they were needing a hand with some bulky bags of tang on the croft.  They popped by this evening, for a walk.  Big Brian and Madeline also popped by the garden, to say hello.  Feet up for the night.  Three more Coronavirus cases recorded today.

No more snow today, but there still is patches of snow, and what snow is left, has turned to ice.  This is has been lethal, even on my own lawn, but with a ever so slightly warmer day, it's starting to thaw.  One thing I've never down in the snow, is climb the hill here, but I bet it would be cold up there today!  Looking towards Hoofield, from the Villians, Cunningsburgh.  

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