Wednesday in Orkney

Herbert’s pyjamas have gone missing.

CMC joined another ex-school chum for a 12 mile walk around Stromness.  I demurred, or whimped out according to CMC, by only doing 9 through to Stromness.  A beautiful day to be out and about.

We met later at my mother’s.  Back at base I pared the tatties, and the sweet tatties, and boiled them together.  I grated coconut through the boiled tatties and chapped them.  CMC started on the filling as I went to the tunnel for other ingredients.

When dinner was ready Andrew Marr, Cathal McConnell, Mike Hugg, Savourna Stevenson, Betty Stover, Wee Alickie and Lyce Doucet joined us. At this point I drifted off at the stove.

Nicolás Jaar is 31.  The same as Jim Jeffries’ inside leg.

Steam on.

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