Things has started to change
It has been very long since I las posted here. I was anxious and restless and not motivated to send a post here. I am leaving Turkey on the 24th of January. I will arrive in Stansted airport and take a train to Cambridge.
My mind is busy and distracted. I need to pack, organise things I will be leaving behind, which I am not able to manage all. Also I have needed to arrange my life in Cambridge. Many calls and emails...
I get emails from CUH and even I attended online liver transplant meeting. ( They postponed the next one because some of the doctors were visibly exhausted and one of them was even drinking wine to relax after a difficult day) Covid creates another pressure in my mind.
Today, I got two amazing mails from them. First one saying after describing the situation in the UK was saying”I feel it's best to be honest and up front about what you will arrive to. If you choose to delay your start date I would neither judge you nor be disappointed in your decision. I will understand completely.” wooow . I said no as an answer. I will go as I planned and will help them. Then, I got a second mail saying “We will provide for you suitable self-contained accommodation within Cambridge to allow you to quarantine safely – this is a not cost to you.” Including “an initial package of groceries to help you through the first 48 hours or so. To support you during your period of quarantine the Hospital will provided for you an e-voucher for £150”...
All I can say thank you “Cambridge”.
They show that they care me and value me. Great feeling and I hope I will most of the time feel in this way there.
Love to all.
note: the photo was taken two days ago, it was a goodbye dinner with friends.
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