The Caiano Turning

Instead of looking at the snow through a zoom lens I went looking for it. A thaw has set in but it was still very pretty up at the Caiano turning at near enough 1000 metres elevation.

The wind had picked up and shafts of sun were sweeping right fast across the snow.

I've put in an extra looking down the high valley to the road to Montemignaio - one of the highest towns in the Casentino - and a shot of the town from below as I headed back to Strada in Casentino.

On the mountain roads the snow had pushed over lots of smaller trees and the snow plough and cutting teams must have had a job of it. In Italy this tends to be contracted out to local farmers and hauliers who have their own kit. They generally round here make a very tidy job of keeping the roads open.

I worked late into the gloaming cutting and stacking wood  as the day was so bright and clear. Neighbours passed and said they saw two wolves on our track a couple of days ago.

I haven't heard an instruction on the Couch Potato to 5k about what you are supposed to do in a wolf situation: 'I want you now to just begin to pick up the pace. Don't worry about being able to hold a conversation just b....l....o....o....d....y runnnn.'

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