Shard Kaleidoscope

Well we are in the middle of another week.

Yesterday there was great excitement in the Chrispy household. We had four deliveries. We keep a note book ( sad I know ) of what we are expecting and take great joy in checking them off. Got to keep positive and have lots of things to keep us occupied.

Today two deliveries. One has arrived and the other one is from Borough Market which is for fresh fruit is still on its way. Its only over 5 hours late and as we live less than a mile from the market we wonder what is going on. Update tomorrow as to whether our wait was fruitless...

I have just discovered ( I admit to not being an early adopter ) that I can by postage stamps on line and print them off at home. So the first birthday card to Ireland will be off soon.

Whilst I have waited around to day I have caught up on Blip and played around in Photoshop. So today's Blip is of a well known attraction converted into a Kaleidoscope like image.

Been listening to PM Question time in catch up as I do todays Blip. Just amazed at what goes on and the continued failure to answer questions.

Still avoiding the news but do get bombarded with links to extremely important stuff.

Amazed at the amount of time and news print being invested in defining what is exercise and what is social. The addition, to the debate, of whether you are holding a cup or not, gives me great confidence for when they come to deal with the more challenging issues.

More pressing news is that the Queen's Raven in the Tower of London has died.

The vaccination numbers for yesterday have now appeared on the Government web site - an increase of 208,00 approx. Promising but if they are going to immunise half our population this will still take 5 months. Lets hope they can increase the supply of vaccine to the centres.

Once again keep safe.

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