Self Portrait: 18 weeks, one day

Arwen is fascinated with my phone, maybe because she's so used to seeing it being pointed at her. Today I put the reverse camera on so she could see herself and she touched the screen, moving the focal point around. When her finger went down to the bottom of the screen I put my finger on hers to help her take this 'self portrait'.
It's been quite a momentous day for her actually. The massive growth spurt she had both physically and mentally over the past couple of weeks, and the frequent wakings that accompanied it, have also led to her rolling over from back to front - which we finally witnessed today after a week of her doing it here and there when we weren't looking - and she also grasped a pen today and did a few random marks in my diary. Then this evening Arwen grabbed a carrot stick and had a gummy munch on it! So many firsts in one day...
It was back to school for Grace today, but Ophelia was home so I took her and Arwen to baby and toddler group this morning. I walked the mile or so there and also back again. Desperately needed the exercise and the fresh air was nice too. After school we went to 'Messy Church', which was where this portrait was taken. Our family are not church goers , but this is a lovely community event where most of the 3-9 year olds of the village go each month to sing together, do crafts activities, listen to stories, and they also have their tea provided afterwards by the large team of adult volunteers who do a smashing (and very patient) job. This month the theme was Lent. Grace absolutely LOVES Messy Church and enthusiastically gets stuck in to anything and everything. Ophelia generally does any activities where there is food to be eaten and then spends the rest of the time in the sand pit. Arwen mostly sleeps.
I had a nice chat with the Vicar about blipfoto so you never know, maybe he will sign up? :)
56/365 completed!

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