Off piste

For a bit of excitement we decided not to walk around the cemetery today and instead we walked down some of the local streets, seeing who still have the decorations up, judging peoples taste in front door and garage set up et cetera LOL amazing what passes for fun and excitement these days, it was a really fun walk though.

Ukulele, piano, the usual…

Lovely walk in the afternoon with my friend Kate where we talked about the importance of staying in the now and keeping calm and happy.

My Silver dip arrived today and I had great fun cleaning all my silver jewellery, I just don’t know why its taken me so long to get around to it, I then spent a couple of hours sorting out my jewellery and trying to put it all in one place where I can easily find what I’m looking for.

All four of us are really enjoying Cobra Kai on Netflix. Max and I also started watching the serpent which is great but pretty dark, not sure I want dark at the moment.

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