Here we go again – Day 8

Today we counted coffee shops. That's how mundane our life has become. We have 30 coffee shops within a 15 min walk of our flat. All of them are open for 'takeaway coffee'. And that's not counting 'Greggs' and the numerous small bakeries that also sell coffee. Why are any of these shops even allowed to open? Since when did a 'takeaway coffee' become 'essential'??? They weren't open at the start of 'proper lock down'.

…..............Oh and Ann's just booked her car into the garage for an MOT & service at the end of the month. During 'proper lock down' garages were only open for 'essential work' and MOTs were delayed???

Ann says tomorrow we might have a walk around our local area and see how many 'click & collect' non-essential shops are open.

This lock down is a joke?!!......................

…..............Open up takeaways and non-essential shops for click & collect and people will go out. Why can't we just close everything apart from supermarkets & pharmacies??? If people don't have anywhere to go, then surely they will just stay in???


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