The back

This is the River Eden as it sweeps round through Appleby and under the bridge on which I was standing. I liked the reflections caused by the last of the light on what has been a lovely sunny day. However, the picture also shows the back of the new Co-op and work taking place in what will be the car park.

I have been following with interest the building of the new Co-op in Appleby. With interest because they have made so much effort to make it into an attractive building that fits into the environment. I think it is good to see this amount of care and for the planning people to have insisted on it.

However, this shows what is also being done to hopefully avoid flooding from the river. You can see how close the building is to the river; the garage that was here before was completely flooded in the last floods. It is obvious that they have lifted the building up and allowed for drainage beneath, it would be interesting to know what other strategies they have. 

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