
By AmandaRoberts

Puppy chow!

Church was fantastic this morning. One of the members who I have never met before came up to tell me that I am his favorite worshiper at church. I'm pretty sure my heart melted right then and there, I just didn't know how to respond! After church I ate lunch with Bryce which was so so good. We were there for an hour just talking. I love how easily conversation comes with him. Afterwards we headed up to my room for a FRIENDS marathon. At 6:00 I headed over to the seminary campus for a community meeting for Five Stones. We're currently doing a series all about community and how to become a closer knit, more God centered community. Basically we had a couple of questions written on the board that we had to discuss with our table in order to learn more about each other and simply develop relationships. It was wonderful! I was nervous at first since I was the only college student to show up (big surprise there) but it ended up being really good. While I was there two more people told me that I was their favorite worshiper at Five Stones. God speaks so clearly through other people, He knows just what we need to hear and it is so so good. When that was over I went over to Bryce's to hang out while he finished his math homework. Once he was done we watched Merlin and talked. We shared a bit about our families which was good. Our trust levels are getting deeper with each other as we share more and more, it's a good gentle growing.

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