The second half of life..

By twigs


I say this every year........hydrangeas remind me so much of my Nanna and Grandad who had a number of them under their front-room window.  Mine are outside my bedroom window and never look nearly as spectacular as I remember Nanna & Grandad's looking.  But then, Grandad was a gardener and knew what he was doing with plants......say no more.  They're just building up some colour now after a very pale and wishy-washy start.  

Today was a bit of a wishy-washy day, though it began well with a coffee at a local venue J has been scoping out for a possible camera club venue change.  It morphed into a significantly less productive day than I had intended but did include a series of backgammon games against J who had popped round.  I feel a bit more focus is not too far away but in the meantime, I'm very happy to be distracted by coffees, visitors and general relaxation :)

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