Steel, glass, reflections, sky.
That's what I picked up from Picturemull's. reference photo for today's Mono Monday challenge.
I spent nearly 3 hour wandering & exploring the local countryside with a friend. "I thought we' could do a walk that Terry & I did yesterday". Sounded great to me, anywhere new is worth exploring. We had'nt left BT before she was a bit confused with the route, (we did'nt have the map they used yesterday). Got it! We touched on the Templer Way which Angie had never heard about so I told her about the granite tramway that was used to transport granite down to the Stover canal at Ventiford where the granite was then taken to Teignmouth docks. A walk for the future, but back to this mornings walk .. Walking along and chatting when enter a track that said Private Property. Keep Out. "No I think we go this way". We walked into a farm yard with no signage saying public footpath. A woman keeping her horse on land there told us we'd missed the turning so we headed back down the track. Not before I got a great snap for Derelict Sunday. We eventually came back into Bovey Tracey, stopping off to refuel with a takeaway coffee at Sixty Four. We parked ourselves on the bench beside the war memorial to refresh ourselves. A very enjoyable morning. Called in to see Mum on the way home.
Had a FB chat with Josie before she went off to work earlier... she's got herself in a right tizz with the Covid situation. She suffers with stress & anxiety anyway and this is'nt helping at all. I suggested a walk knowing that she would probably decline because we live approx 14 miles apart. She declined. I'm not sure how she is going to cope on her own. Going to have a zoom chat later in the week.
Bubble n squeak and cold meat tonight. There is nothing quite like b&s.
Started reading Cold Comfort Farm again this afternoon.
Thanks to Picturemull for hosting Mono Monday. My washing machine came to the rescue for my blip. An interesting challenge, not sure about my interpretation. A definite lack of steel, reflections ,glass, on our walkabout today, the sky, well we did get a glimpse of blue but it was short lived. Cows aplenty however.
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