Home learning
The eldest has given home learning a thumbs down, apparently it's boring. The only thing that would make it better (aside from being back at school) would be more access to the 'good jar', which is a jar of sweets, and they are allowed one a day.
The Reception teachers have been quite ambitious and after setting up a 45 minute 'lesson' for their class, decided afterwards that there wasn't very much learning value in it. The eldest has 15 minute sessions which is about enough for him, so that would probably be better for the youngest as well. We muddle through, somehow. I need to do more with the youngest, but as they both need full attention, it's pretty hard, the online lessons aren't much better as they have to be on mute - until they are asked a question, so it doesn't give much respite! It is still lovely for them to see their class mates and both love the sessions - and I think it's great for them and a little less dull having literally all their time with me!
Today I'm grateful for:
Lovely chat with Gogo in Zim, this terms topic is Africa, we had to talk about animals today so who better to turn to than someone with a farm loaded with all kinds of animals!
Chance meeting with a former colleague as she joined the queue behind me for the post office, it made waiting in the cold outside far nicer!
Bath and bed time - I kind of need my own space by the end of the day when the husband takes over for bedtime!
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