Sue Foll's picture of the day

By POD2008

The inhabitants of Woodberry Downs

I had to drop off some important paperwork in Finsbury Park today, so this gave me an excuse to have my daily exercise slightly further from home.

I went along to Woodberry Wetlands which is a wildlife reserve a little way to the east.

The reserve was set up by London Wildlife Trust, an organisation I sponsor. It was also partly funded by Berkeley Homes, who were building some yuppy flats overlooking the water. It was win win all around. The property developer could sell flats at a higher price because of the view and wildlife would have a secure place to live. 

The reed beds are so secure that at this time of the year there's not much to see, but it's still a nice walk.

Coming back around the north side of the reservoir I saw what I first thought was a sculpture. I was half right. The large metal ball sitting outside the flats was crowned by a very much alive Egyptian Goose. 
Water pouring out of the top of the globe bathed its feet and provided fresh drinking water. A kind of goose spa.

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