Another Sunset

I couldn’t settle to anything today.  I pottered and wandered and didn’t do very much.  I started doing a bit of work that I have been putting off forever.  I have made a start, though not a great start, but at least there is something for me to work with now.   I picked up a book read a few pages, then put it down.  I looked at my jigsaw, but made no attempt to do it.  I planned some baking and cooking, but did none.  Eventually we three went out for a walk.  It was BB’s turn to take a tumble on the ice today – and he fell spectacularly, falling on his previously broken arm.  No damage done, apart from a gouged knee.  TT and I both saw it happen in slow motion in front of us, and I felt sick when I saw his arm.  He doesn’t get it, which is maybe just as well. Anyway A&E is the last place I want to be heading at any time, but especially at the moment.
We came home via the supermarket, but sent TT in with the list and we kept walking home.  I called my folks – they still have had no news about their vaccine, but hopefully it will be soon.
TT cooked up a curry storm – a really delicious butter chicken accompanied by aloo gobi.  We then watched the fourth Bourne movie – I think I may have missed some of it!
Every cold,  sunny and bright day seems to have a spectacular sunset at the moment.  It didn’t get above freezing all day today, but we did get this amazing sunset.

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