Spring ......

..... really is
a coming in!
These bulbs were given to me 3 years ago at my sister in laws funeral, by her husband. They have flowered each year and now they're on their way again.
It was dull earlier on and cold with cobwebs looking like string baskets, but an hour later the temperature must have risen as the webs had gone, tho' it's still dull.
We had a good Zoom service this morning but sadly because churches are closed again it came from the vicarage and the readers home. However the hymns were lovely by both the lockdown choir and recordings. It is good that those of us who have a religion/ go to church have these options, I for one would be lost without this .
The news seems more depressing than ever , why is it that " lockdown" worked 1st time round but doesn't seem to be making any difference now. It has to be something more than just having a new strain . It is serious , when will people wake - up and smell the coffee. If they have no respect for themselves they should have it for others. So very sad, please be kind and considerate to yourselves and others, above all stay safe and enjoy every minute .

Thoughtful ..... for the many out there who are finding it so hard, not knowing where they go from here , losing confidence and having very dark thoughts.

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