My True Colours

By Martrex


This is an article in todays paper about a 62 year old
guy who came over from South Africa for his brothers
funeral. He is originally from Newcastle and wanted
some pictures of his home town to take back to SA.
While he was on Northumberland Street, he was
grabbed by a plain clothes police officer who forced
his arm up his back, accusing him of taking pictures
of young girls. When he asked the officer who he was
he received no reply and was then bundled into a
police van and held for 2 hours at the station, taking
his finger prints and DNA. After thoroughly investigating
his camera, the police found nothing but pictures of
the city centre. He was also accused of swearing at the
officer (what do they bloody expect). He was given a
caution for a public order offence but had to fly home
and could not contest it. Idiots, there are people
getting stabbed, mugged and sexually assaulted left,
right and centre and they're picking on an old guy
with a camera!!

So be careful when you're out there blipping!

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