The Section

My Dear Princess, Loulou & Dear Fellows,

Caro took this picture of our garden from aloft. It gives a pretty clear impression of everything she has done to it. 

Our friend Joshua is a surveyor and - as a Xmas present - he surveyed all of our property to see how far it goes. Even though he is very tall, he just about disappeared into the thicket of brambles. 

"Yet somehow he came out without a scratch," marvelled Caro. Who, you may remember, fell in the brambles and got brambles up her bum.

Not that she's bitter. 

Our property actually goes back quite a way but there's not much we can do with it a) because it is on such a steep slope and b) because it is on a public right-of-way. 

So I guess the brambles will stay.

But it is strange how the appearance of a surveyor causes neighbourhood spider-senses to start tingling. Caro has had to field questions twice now from nosey neighbours wondering what we are up to. 

She keeps telling them he's just a friend and it was a Christmas present, but I don't think anyone believes her.


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