
By SC26

Car Picnic

We had some bad news this morning; G's eye appointment at the hospital finally rolled round and unfortunately they confirmed that he has a progressive disease on his corneas. It can't be stopped or reversed, so has very serious consequences for the future. We just have to hope that he's in the initial early stages. He has to go back for further tests and investigations in a few weeks so that treatments can start.

On a selfish note, the appointment was in the same hospital where my Dad spent an awful month, and it brought back so many hard memories being back there; ones that I didn't realise that I'd shut out. I think it was made worse as it's coming up to such a hard time of year. I'm hoping that it may be a little easier when we have to go back again in a few weeks.

After a hard morning, we took a picnic to Frinton and bought some chips, having the first car-picnic in my new car in the rain and snow.

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