Tattie Delivery

Gales have been blowing all day, easing a bit tonight.  Heavy rain came in this morning, and finally stopped after 2pm.  99% of yesterday's snow thawed away, but snow flurries tonight, with more due.

Up early, and did a couple of hours work, as it would have been my weekend on in the museum.  Headed down to mam's after lunch.  When the rain finally stopped, I got out for a good walk with Sammy.  I've been working in the shop this evening.  It was fairly quiet, but plenty of jobs to keep me busy.  More walkies tonight, before I get my feet up.  Two more Coronavirus cases in Shetland.  Things have calmed with less cases, but still not good for a small community. 

I headed down the road to collect a bag of tatties, and also got one for mam too.  These will be the best of the best, as homegrown on my home village ground.  Grown locally by the Nicolson's of Da Green, Cunningsburgh.  I probably eat too many tatties, but they are good.  Here's mam receiving her bag from me.  Taken at Aith, Cunningsburgh.  

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