The End of the Day

A quiet day at home on my own (well apart from the man fitting the alarm) I had to stay in and wait for the alarm to be fitted as when M got home from work yesterday there was a problem with the lock it looked as if someone had attempted to get into the house while we were at work so hubby finally decided after 14 years!! in our house to finally get the alarm finished which had been started but never finished. Spent the time doing my shredding and then cutting out some of my phonics resources not that I'm going to be using it at the moment. After lunch I copied up some of my family tree notes can't wait untill M is in as my family tree recording sheet has arrived which I ordered some we can start writing it up as we have alot of the family with the same names and I getting a little confused. Saw this beautiful sky from my kitchen window when I went to cook the tea.Beautiful.

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