
By Groggster

Wired For Sound

Today's image really represents Lockdown 3.0 (or as the i newspaper a few days entitled it "Lockdown 3: the worst sequel yet").  As I had already been for an early morning run (we are only allowed to exercise once a day now) and walked to our local shops for food , I can no longer leave the house. Therefore, I have to take an image either when I take exercise (difficult to do if your are running) or if I travel to work (I was made redundant in July), attend to any medical needs (I am currently healthy, thank god) or shop for food (I did not see anything on my short walk to the shops).
As a result I have had to adapt to my present situation. Today's image is of a spotty blanket on my kitchen floor with a set of novelty headphones.
However obscurely this is supposed to represent my love of music, which even in these troubled times still gives me a sense of comfort and sometimes even joy.
The title relates to a Cliff Richard song (still a great pop song in my very humble opinion) of the same name - my favourite section of the lyrics are:

Power from the needle to the plastic
AM, FM, I feel so ecstatic now
It's music I've found
I'm wired for sound

I still love music purveyed by moslty analogue methods - especially vinyl records, as the sound is so much warmer than on any other formats. If I can't have vinyl then it is usually on CD (I purchased my last car mainly on the basis that it still had a CD player!). Unfortunately my luddite tendencies mostly preclude me from downloading or streaming, where there is no physical relationship to the music.

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