Winter Wonderland and the Vaccinator

What a strange day it's been. It started with a snowy walk across the ridge with Tom. There were kids sledging and it was very calm. My phone rang. It was the covid vaccine nurse coordinator, asking if I had any availability today. I was a bit surprised to get the call, but I guess she wasn't to know I was in the middle of a woodland walk. 

Non the less off I went. Watched two, did one then off I went. I lost count after 30 stabbings. I really enjoyed myself. Most people were very grateful to receive the vaccine. Our list included all hospital staff and some from across county too. I even vaccinated some of my won work colleagues. I did have someone who was a bit miffed that it was the Pfizer and not the Astra Zeneca vaccine. They had wanted "the British one". I politely informed them that we, in the NHS, are very privileged to receive a covid vaccine and that their immunity would start to build up from today. I remind them that we did not have any stock of the AS currently . They decided to have a Pfizer shot today!
I finished at 6pm after an intensive but pleasant day. The team are great to work with and I have two more vaccinator shifts booked next week. I feel useful again. Buzzing.

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