Playing around

I went for a terrific walk this morning - almost three miles in an area of my neighborhood that I'd never walked, or driven for that matter! It was great fun, and the weather was lovely and spring-like. I live in a neighborhood west of Portland called Rock Creek (where LoisBiz lives too!) and it's named so because of...well you guessed it...Rock Creek, which runs through it. Rock Creek runs through the golf course that's in the middle of our neighborhood and it is the recipient of many of my golf balls. 

On my walk this morning I stopped on a little bridge that passes over a section of Rock Creek and shot this photo....well the unaltered one in the extras. But it was so boring when I opened it up on my computer that I decided to play with it, since I didn't have anything else to show for my pretty busy day. So the alterations include a posterization as well as a filter called "ripple". I think it emulates the rushing water....either that or it looks like we're having an earthquake which I really shouldn't say out loud since one of these days we'll have a large one.  I kind of like it. At least it's more interesting than the original.

I spent some time working, and some time in the garden. I also found out that the part for our washing machine (we've been waiting almost 6 weeks) is still not in and we still wring our clothes out in the sink. Not even remotely funny anymore (well it never was). I've finally contacted Bosch directly to see if they can help. Grrr....

But it's Friday! The end of a very, very long week.

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