
By JoannaMahoney

Just a moment

Beautiful Butterfly in Africa

I met this little chap when I least expected it!

We had been travelling for hours along a very long road when it was time to take a break,stretch the ol legs and engage ourselves with a refreshment.

We casually pulled up to a spot which overlooked a small watering hole but-as far as our eyes could see- no animals were there.

How disappointing I thought, but you can't predict wildlife! Just as I was about to put my camera away, I hear "Jo..look at your arm" A sort of panic rushed through me as i was scared it might be a spider *shudders* but as I turned my arm, i saw this beautiful creature perfectly perched on me.

With my other hand I struggled to get a photo but finally *click* I had got it! It was as if he was waiting for me to get a photo for as soon as i had, he flew away.

It was a beautiful moment.

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