A Winter Flock

I walked to my old house to collect some mail.

Large flocks of Canada Geese and Jackdaws were present but are locals.

The Fieldfare and Starlings ( plus some Redwing not in this photo) were in a mixed Winter visitor Flock for protection and very nervously moving through the fields.

It was cold with new snow falling ( but not a lot).

My fight to find a way forward in my directionless life took some mental steps in the right direction talking to the ultra positive new owner of my house.

To start I must clear my mind of the scattered debris of recent years.

I have just watched Series 1 Episode 1 of  the BBC series Line of Duty: 8 years later than everybody else . I see it as the start of finding a way forward, why?   Because it I found it so compelling that I forgot all the other things dragging me down, well for 58 minutes anyway.

Best Wishes to everyone (and I include myself for a change).

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