Burghers of Calais

These very very distant snow-covered fir trees brought to mind supplicants, huddled together. That Rodin sculpture outside the Houses of Parliament.

The cloud lifted right off our peaks and the sun shone. Gianluca reckons there will be two metres of snow high up. I reckon we have had over 20cm of rain over the festive period. Multiply that by ten for snowfall. Two metres.

Was up late last night and saw Trump's incredible, astonishing Twitter video come out. As someone said it was like a hostage video and he is already backtracking. Was amazed to see that the guy that stole the speaker's lectern from the House put it up on ebay allegedly. The bidding was going really well when suddenly it all disappeared. There is a lovely spoof Lego 'Capitol Invasion' kit going the rounds on social media with Buffalo Head the QAnon Shaman in poll position. Maybe they'll put him in a stockyard to cool his heels.

Must've been a helluva shock for DonaldTrumpsRedArmy to find they were being disavowed by their enabling, inciting father figure. From the 'loved' to the 'heinous' in 24 hours. Adding betrayal to all that righteous tunnel-visioned anger and tribal belonging is a toxic mix alright.

The forecasters here now talking about the arrival of the Burian or Buran - a terrible fierce gelid wind descending from Siberia that only rarely reaches Italy. I'll keep you posted.

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