Hyacinthine Curls

The Bull
It is in captivity —
ringed, haltered, chained
to a drag
the bull is godlike

Unlike the cows
he lives alone, nozzles
the sweet grass gingerly
to pass the time away

He kneels, lies down
and stretching out
a foreleg licks himself
about the hoof

then stays
with half-closed eyes,
Olympian commentary on
the bright passage of days.

— The round sun
smooths his lacquer
the glossy pinetrees

his substance hard
as ivory or glass —
through which the wind
yet plays —

he nods
the hair between his horns
and eyes matted
with hyacinthine curls
William Carlos Williams

Do hyacinthine curls count for flower Friday?

Another bright and crisp day - Himself still hard at work in the bathroom and me on wells - a question, how many wells could you cope with in an Exemplar section of a book? This will go at the end along with a Gazetteer. I'm thinking 20? Hard to narrow it down.

We had some bananas going manky so, it being lockdown, I geared myself up to do some baking - ginger and banana bread, rather good.

We then did the circuit major, a biting wind and ferocious light but most enjoyable. This chap was in splendid isolation on his field. He was unimpressed with my attempt at conversation.

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