Ink Polaroids

By inkpolaroids

¶ All That You Leave Behind

Thanks the Lord it's Friday.

OK, so I had a pretty short week what with me only going back to work on Wednesday but boy, am I exhausted. I am pretty sure that's not due to the work load which is quite manageable, but probably more to the fact I'm stuck in this wee room since the end of March. At times it's an office, but most of the time it feels like solitary confinement. Which is odd, as there's four of us kicking about the place but as we're all either working or studying from home we each stick to our rooms and only come out when there's food to be had. It's no way to live or work, really, so the sooner this Covid ends, the better.

One of the things I try and do is to get out for a walk at lunchtime. I have a fixed route which takes me about 30 minutes to do, during which time I listen to podcasts or music or I just mutter away to myself. I usually take my camera with me as well, in case I feel inspired but when you walk the same route every day you've pretty much seen it all. But coming home earlier today I saw this rubbish left at - note, not in - the bins just up the road. I thought it might allow me to make some sort of deep commentary about the the state of the planet and the human condition generally but no - it's a lot of pointless rubbish, just like this post.

Have a happy weekend!

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