
Today I made the very unpopular (for some) broccoli soup! Means I get it all to myself and it was tasty:)

The painting is complete in the bathroom and it’s over to me now for the papering.....

Popped into Mum to give her mashed tats and she had unearthed a massive bag of ggreetsings cards that she has collected over the years. And newspaper clippings from such things as the Treasurer of Blackford Bowling Club been charged with embezzling money in the early 1990s!

We walked later down to the gang with a box of Celebrations. The minute they opened the door Breagha dived in and ran to the window. Cheeky!

More hard frost again tonight - to be -7 so the heating is staying on.

I had a call from a researcher from Generation Scotland which I joined in 2003. I’ve taken part in a variety of projects and this one was a study they are doing on how genes affect reading/ words/numbers. It was interesting.

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