I'll never make the Michelin Guide
I don't remember what I'd made for dinner but this was the tirade I received. The image above was what I saw in the blank tv screen, & I just happened to have some art paper beside me. The letters are an abbreviation of the criticism. "If they served me that in a restaurant I would send it back". I was so angry I could hardly contain myself but scribbled this to release my tension. I framed it and hung it beside the oven in the kitchen as a reminder to myself when I was cooking our meals. He's never asked me what the letters represent. I came across the scribble today when I started digging my art out from under the bed in the spare bedroom. It took me a minute or two to recall exactly what he said. I've just received a similar outburst for switching to BBC to watch a programme about dog grooming, so I'm banging away on these keys to calm down. I'm not really interested in dog grooming, it's the people I find fascinating. Not to be.
Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday
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