Banged Up Again D003 Mushrooms

It seems this current curtailment of our civil liberties gets longer each day, moving from February to March and as I heard from someone this morning possibly now even April. Don't get me wrong, I agree the numbers need to come down however I'm not convinced locking people up indefinitely is the way to do it. I've even written to my MP for the first time ever to ask where and what the exit criteria are.

She hasn't replied yet.

According to an online calculator someone pointed me at there are 23,459,945 people ahead of me in the vaccine queue. Which means I MAY get a dose in May / June IF they can get their act together and vaccinate 1,000,000 people a week. Based on the shambles of the past YEAR (and it pretty much is a year now) I'm not confident.

I've had enough of this year already.

Sheep herders pie for tea. If I go and buy some mushrooms.

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