Miniature Horse or Pony?

I'm thinking this is a miniature horse rather than a pony, whatever it's lovely to see it in the distance in the field next to my place. Lots of household tasks done today, bread making, ironing, grocery delivery and vacuuming (or rather emptying the small G-Tech container after doing 30 secs when it filled up with new carpet fluff - I must have emptied it 30 times before the battery ran out!) 

After I wrote my blip yesterday, I read in the EDP that North Norfolk is the only constituency in the county without a vaccination hub. To give you context, it also has the highest median age in the UK (54.3), the highest proportion of people over 65 (33.2%) and the equal highest proportion of people over 85 (4.8%). I was so dismayed with this that I wrote to our MP this morning and got an immediate response explaining the pressure he's exerting to try to get it changed. I'm low on the priority list, but I live in an estate of bungalows occupied by elderly people who I rarely see venturing out now. 

Day 297 / Day 2 of Lockdown 3 (for my record only)
UK deaths up 1,041 (1st time over 1k since April) to 77,346 (revised basis), with 62,322 new cases (a new record), 30,451 patients in hospital (a new record) and 2,645 on ventilation (huge step change in the healthcare data today). Deaths in India have passed 150k. The EU has approved the Moderna vaccine. MPs approve the third English lockdown. 7 mass vaccination centres to open next week. There is a bottleneck of 3.5m AZ doses which are awaiting testing and approval of batches by the regulator the MHRA. To me this implies there was not good programme management, including effective critical path analysis, and it needs to be resolved immediately. The WHO says there is no scientific evidence for a delay of more than six weeks in administering the 2nd dose of the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine. GCSEs and A levels in England to be replaced with teacher assessments, with details to follow. The Govt has purchased over 1m laptops and tablets for disadvantaged children and is working with the mobile networks to deliver free data for key educational sites. A scam text messages are being sent such as one supposedly from the NHS saying you are eligible for a vaccine and requesting bank details. Every Thurs evening there's to be a doorstep Clap for Heroes. 

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