Lets go for the flow.
This morning started with an astonishing meeting. I had to carry down the big yellow litterbag. Over the narrow staircase alongside our uphill driveway. Carefully not to stumble and at the same time having some eye for the heathers, shrubs and trees presenting themselves still full of cold winterly nightdreams. Keeping a delicate balance, I passed our Ceremonial Oaktreetrunk, noticing that the Red Remembrance Candle had been blown out by the wind. And while still greeting our Guardian Oak, suddenly I felt, then saw this tiny Redbrown Mouse at my foot.
It did seem to care about the presence of this moving woollen homeslipper. For a moment it looked like (s)he would climb over it, up towards my pyjamatrouser. And perhaps into it. But while I was still wondering about what to do if such would really happen…the little Mouse turned around slowly and like some small hairy ball started to snif around, turning and pattering downstairs to show me the way. The safe one. Where you can do your early morning walk without risk. And then on the cobbles of our driveway my little redbrown friend vanished. There wasn’t a mousehole to be seen. Was (s)he hiding in the branches of that green bush in the corner? Gone, definitely gone…
Willemien would have loved to hear me telling this story. Once I would be back in the comfy warmth of our sleeping room, bringing Her Tea…Smiling and deeply inhaling the morning air, I climbed back, up the staircase. It was still darkgrey.outside. As grey as it stayed this afternoon while I made my freshairwalk along the Weserriverside, looking for flow, flowing, floating waters and a sparkle of light, reflecting from the sky into the River. I would have loved to show you a picture of my tiny Redbrown Earlymorning-Friend. But for today a sparkle of reflective light from my flowing Weserriver will be good enough. Have a nice and warm evening, dear Friends.
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