
By Dibsie

Hall revamp

Started day of with a fantastic lay in, woke up casually around 9:30 but didn't actually get out of my bed till gone 10:30. Mainly due to being so cosy and reading a book. Can't think of the last time I did that!

Then dad turned up and it was all hands on deck with putting up everything I painted mint green yesterday and this is the end result. One day I would love to get a wide angle lens for my camera but for now this is the best I could do. It's taken through the mirror which was hung up at the bottom of the stairs.

We also put up our new slate outside our house that has our number and street on. Matt and I got it when we were on our road trip around the Uk just after Christmas, while we were in Windermere. Good memories.

After we were finished with that, we then set to the task of attacking the ivy that has been growing up our house.

Once everything was done, we headed over to the parents for dinner. Slow cooked beef in red wine sauce with Yorkshire pudding - heaven.

It's been a perfect weekend, everything accomplished that was on the list. Even managed to fit in time to finish my book today, so will start the first book club selection next.

Photo 56 of 365 challenge.

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