The aptly named

Winter Hill....the view looking across, from our top road late this afternoon. I managed to escape for a brisk walk on my own for half an hour or so, clocked up 6000 steps, most Ive done for a good where near enough though :-/

Slept ok last night, was downstairs making tea n toast at 5.30, hub was hungry ;-) Back to sleep eventually....probably nearer 7 for me, hub was well away by 6.15. He didnt feel too great this morning when he woke, a bit off colour, but he rallied, we got up & downstairs around 10.30. The District Nurse called around 11.15 gave him his last platelets injection.....hes quite bruised after these 5, apparently they are close to the surface and do cause bruising.....hes like a purple pin cushion :-/ Gave hub some anti sickness meds and he starts a 7 day course of antibiotics today, precautionary due to low immunity and covid risk.

Hub fancied a mixed platter for his lunch, boiled ham, a bit of cheddar, a hard boiled egg, 3 buttered crackers, some piccalilli & some red grapes.....he also had a piece of toast with melted cheese mid morning, some cheese & onion crisps. Dinner this evening was lamb steak, roast potatoes, green beans, brocolli & mange tout, with mint sauce of course, only a small portion for hub, but he actually tasted it & enjoyed!!

Earlier today hub noticed one of our new neighbours dogs had got out into the street.
Luckily I was just putting my coat on so went outside and called Daisy dog, she came bounding over to me, from the house opposite, where she had been scratching at their front door. Mia, the young girl who lives there sometimes takes Daisy out I think, so she was obviously calling to see if Mia could come out to play. I got her to follow me into their garage and then out the sidedoor, into their backgarden, where she should have been....shes a little escape artist !! Her mum & dad hadnt realised she was out.

Hub and I drove round to daughters briefly just to collect a few items she had picked up for us with her grocery delivery. We had a brief conversation from the car, a quick wave to Emily, who was mid school work, before turning around and heading back home.

Its been a bit chilly day....a bit of a cold breeze but at least its been dry and brightish!

Full on Lock down from tomorrow peeps....stay safe. The media are already getting on my nerves :-(

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