Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


Well, I got my first ever covid test today, the dreaded nasel swab.  It was self-administered under the supervision of the pharmacy rep.  The instructions were in insert it into the nostril "until it's uncomfortable" and then twirl it around for 15 seconds (possible the longest 15 seconds of my life). Then repeat in other nostril.  At which point both of my eyes were watering.  Results in about 2 days.

So, of course, once I was back home, the Tinies wanted me to recount every gory detail.  Rather than try to describe the it, I thought I'd let the little blighters have a go themselves.  Well, you can see the result.  

Hopefully this gives you a little laugh for the day.

Day 3 of our quarantine.  We all feel fine so I suspect our tests will come back negative.  But, best to be sure, so we'll wait and continue to isolate.  

By the way, when I went to fill the feeders this morning, Lefty came zooming over to investigate - so I crumbled a bit of suet for him which he seemed to enjoy very much.  

I also haven't mentioned that we have a new nighttime visitor on the patio - a skunk who I've named Stinky.  He/she is gorgeous and seems to appreciate the ground level bird bath as well as the seeds that have spilled on the patio.  Skunks are good creatures to have around - as long as you don't threaten them.  

Today is Election Day in Georgia for the two hotly contested senate seats.  I am keeping fingers crossed that both incumbents get the boot.  And tomorrow Congress is supposed to officially count and approve the Electoral College votes - which is going to be a shitshow since certain members of the conservative party are  attempting to overturn the election.  Honestly, is this really the United States of America???

Well, you know what to do - stay safe and be kind.  And big thanks to LoisBiz for hosting Tiny Tuesday this month!


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