Lockdown No.3

We heard this afternoon that the PM was to give a statement at 8pm and we all knew what that meant, it's lockdown No.3 which is most like lockdown No.1. Action is two weeks too late as usual, which means that some kids went back to school today and lots of people went back to work after xmas, as some will have been asymptomatic they would have transmitted the virus. I'm wondering if it's time to ask for international help to keep emergency care in hospitals functioning. 

Thanks to picturemull for hosting mono Monday. The photo element I've used is footwear, with my interpretation showing my current walking footwear as dictated by conditions. On the left are my walking shoes that I used to walk along the promenade at Sheringham yesterday. My walking boots are used for beach walks or in Sheringham Park. A lot of my walks need my wellies though as the paths round here are so muddy. (The photo reminds me of the Ronnie Corbett, Ronnie Barker and John Cleese sketch!)

Day 295 / Day 16 of the 4 Tiers (for my record only)
UK deaths up 407 to 75,475 (revised basis), with 58,784 new cases (a new record), 23,823* patients in hospital and 1,847* on ventilation (only data for England is being updated every day during the xmas/new year period) * healthcare data not update since 22nd Dec.  There are 26,626 coronavirus hospital patients in England, up 30% in a week. The PM said there are now 40% more in hospital with the virus than at the first peak in April. New daily cases are up 50% since xmas eve, which won't feed through to hospital admissions for another 10 days or so. The no. of tests in London coming back positive is an astonishing 25%. 

After recommendations by the Joint Biosecurity Centre and the 4 nation's CMOs, the UK coronavirus alert level was raised to 5 (red) for the first time today, defined as 'a material risk to healthcare services being overwhelmed' - extremely strict social distancing needed. A new lockdown is introduced from midnight in England and we have been ordered by law to stay at home with the extremely clinically vulnerable told to shield again.  All schools and universities to move to remote learning, alternative exam arrangements to come in and free school meal alternatives are being addressed. People to work from home where possible, shopping only for necessities and exercise is still permitted outdoors locally once a day with one person meeting one other from another household socially distanced. We have been ordered to Stay at Home, Protect the NHS, Save Lives. It will last until 22nd Feb. The Commons has been recalled to sit on Wed to hear from the PM about the situation and debate the restrictions. It was announced this afternoon in Scotland that a nationwide lockdown is being introduced from midnight tonight and it will only be permissible to leave home for an essential reason. A YouGov poll had 79% of Brits are supportive of a new lockdown. 

The first doses of the Oxford / AZ vaccine were given today. The Scottish MP Margaret Ferrier who represented the SNP has been arrested by Police Scotland for breaches of restrictions by travelling to the Commons after having a test and travelling back by public transport after getting a positive result. 

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